"For all that has been, thanks. For all that will be, yes." - Dag Hammarskjold

Sunday, May 26, 2013

celebrating lives greatly full :: dominique hurley

photo: Cathy Chicoine
I have known Dominique Hurley for over (gasp!) 25 years.  I met her in university my first year in Ottawa.  She was - and still is - unlike anyone else I know.  Her commitment to her creative call stood out, even at a time when all I could focus on were term papers and course notes. Although we don't get to connect in person very often, I am so very grateful that we have kept in touch!

Dominique's latest quest will bring her from St-John's Newfoundland to Vienna Austria to attend the Vienna  Academy of Visionary Arts.  You can contribute to making that journey a reality and receive beautiful creative gifts in return by checking out her crowdfunding pageThanks for participating in *the gratitude project* Dominique... You truly are a creative inspiration to me.

What DECISION are you grateful for? 

The Art of Listening

In 2011, I received what I believe to be the second auditory intuitive message in my life.  Truth be told, I heard a voice say, “That’s where you’re living next” when my eyes fell on a non-descript nature photo on my Yahoo homepage. After pausing a moment to register what had just happened, I clicked on the picture in fear that it was taken in some war-torn country somewhere.  What a relief!  It was Newfoundland! In the following few days, so many confirming signs came my way that I easily and gracefully decided to follow what I like to call my Spirit Call, and I am so grateful I did. 

In the last two years of living in St. John’s, I have been blessed with a simple and creative lifestyle in line with my life’s purpose of exploring and expressing my love of beauty and the beauty of love.  Indeed, I have dedicated most of my time to my art – both photography and painting, which has led to countless opportunities to evolve, contribute, collaborate, create, and learn, both as an artist and human being.  It has also led to my most recent Spirit Call to study in Austria in the fall for a trimester at the Vienna Academy of Visionary Arts – embracing, once again, the mystery of it all, the mystery of the Call.
I’ve learned that each time I answer a call (even such a small one as following an inner feeling to turn right instead of left at an intersection), I am saying yes to receiving more guidance. I’m not naturally a risk taker (even though most would say I am), but with the years, I’ve learned to both listen and trust my inner guidance – taking both baby steps and leaps of faith. 

The more I listen, the clearer the messages become. I’m grateful, therefore, that I’ve learned to pay attention to the messages that come through my body, mind, soul, and Spirit– and that even if I often do feel the fear, I do it anyway. 

I have no idea where it’s all leading, but that’s not the point.  I’m giving and living my best, and so I have no regrets.

For that, I am truly grateful.

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