I am so happy to be featuring Ryan Grant on the blog today! Ryan is a local professional triathlete and co-owner of Solefit Inc. I first met him as a client of Solefit when I went for my first gait analysis. I had heard nothing but wonderful things about him and the Solefit team. Since then, I have learned that not only is he a skilled and dedicated Pedorthist, but he is an amazing athlete with a heart and smile that even overshadow his athletic accomplishments! (And we're talking about a guy who actually WINS things. :-))
Ryan & Friends, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
Recently, Ryan had the chance to spend some time in Ethiopia, working with many of the best runners in the world. He is also a strong supporter of many local and international not-for-profit initiatives. Although I can't say that I really know him all that well, Ryan certainly falls into the category of inspiring people who make me go: "wow".
GRATITUDE: the quality of being thankful;
readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
I was honored to be asked by Jo-Anne to write on her blog
and initially thought that gratitude would be an easy thing for me
to write about. However, after reading through all of the
wonderfully written previous posts, I really started to over-think what
gratitude means to me! After a good amount of thought, I came to the
conclusion that for me, gratitude really is all about the simple things in
First and foremost, I'm grateful for my physical and mental
health. My best experiences in life have come from my ability to move my
body and to question things with my mind. I cherish the ability to be
physically active and experience all the great things that come along with it.
I'm also very grateful for my curious nature. The
world really is a wonderful place and as far as we know, we only get
one crack at it! I'm happy to try almost anything
once and I've stumbled across so many unexpected experiences by having an open
mind. I'm grateful for those experiences, good and bad!
And finally, I'm grateful to be surrounded by such wonderful
family and friends. I consider myself so lucky to be born into a family
that has been so supportive and positive. I really do think that we are a
reflection of those that are around us and I'm grateful to be surrounded by
friends that are a constant source of inspiration!
Thanks so much for the initiative to put this blog together