Patience Salgado, a.k.a. KindnessGirl, believes kindness changes everything. As a kindness worker (among other wonderful vocations), she facilitates kindness movements in her hometown of Richmond, Virginia and - thanks to her blog - all over the world. On her About Me page, she writes:
"After years of doing small acts of kindness here and there, I finally documented my first guerrilla goodness mission in August of 2007, things just kind of blew the heck up from there. Thousands of folks have been part of spreading kindness all over the world with KindnessGirl over the years. (this still makes me shake my head in surprise, bliss and joy every time I think about it) …you can also find me blogging for Huffington Post and writing for GRID, and previously at PBSParents.org and RVANews ."
Patience's kindness projects are simple and profound. Things like:
- the great day of garbage gratitude (I mean, seriously, how easy is this?!)
- the magic wand project
- guerilla goodness: you are loveable (I actually did this a couple of years ago for Valentine's Day :-))

I know. I'm gushing now. But you need to know that KindnessGirl was one of my key inspirations when I first toyed with the idea of starting a blog on Gratitude. She inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and to take the idea beyond words on a screen - from blog... to social engagement experiment. Without even knowing it, she helped me start *the gratitude project: dare to be grateful*.
So. Can you imagine how thrilled I was when she agreed to contribute to the blog?! I sent her a few questions to choose from, and she chose to respond to one of them in the audio file below. Not only her thoughts, but spoken in her beautiful voice. G.R.A.T.E.F.U.L. to the max!!
CLICK HERE to listen to what Patience has to say about gratitude and failure...
AND, a special shout-out to Hubby who helped me embed an audio file to this blog post. Couldn't have shared this without his help!
gratefully yours,